Cannabis Grandma faces 6 months jail and eviction from her home.

Today police charged the 'Cannabis Grandma' with one of the most serious cannabis 'offences' you can get prosecuted for; "Production" which comes under 'trafficking' in Section 4 of the Misuse of Drugs Act, maximum penalty 14 years.
She was also charged with possession of cannabis (powdered skunk, perfect for making hot medicinal beverages). Both charges were related to the discovery of four cannabis plants in her home in September, by Northumberland police.
Due to the fact that she is currently on a suspended sentence for cannabis supply she also faces an automatic six month prison term on top of the potential 14 years, if convicted for the new offences.
The Cannabis Grandma, 67, has also been warned by her Housing Association that she faces eviction from her home after police contacted housing officials to inform them of her arrest. Her housing officer has officially informed her that if she is found guilty she will face eviction from her bungalow home in Humshaugh, near Newcastle. The house was allocated to her due to her severe arthritis which made it impossible for her to use stairs.
The prosecution have said they would like to see the Cannabis Grandma 'tucked up by Christmas', but the Canny Grandma is determined to defend the right to "keep myself well" by eating cannabis. She has become famous for her 'traditional' potato & leek cannabis pie, and her cannabis hot chocolate beverage.
Two years ago the then 65 year old pensioner was in a neck brace, used two walking sticks, was on a cocktail of NHS prescription drugs, had blotches all over her face, and had been told she would soon be in a wheelchair. Since she started using cannabis, the sticks, neck brace and blotches have gone, she no longer uses any prescription drugs, and she has been able to sleep soundly for the first time in years.
GW Pharmaceuticals, the UK company given a Home Office licence to develop cannabis for medical use has just released the results of a study which demonstrates it's significant effect on easing pain and suppressing the debilitating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Yet the government is still holding back on allowing doctors to prescribe GW's cannabis medicine, which is made by extracting the active ingredients of cannabis direct from the plant. This is the pharmaceutical equilavent of making a cup of cannabis hot chocolate using a few pinches of the herb. According to the Cannabis Grandma and thousands of others this works amazingly well. Their natural herbal method is also a lot cheaper than the GW Pharmaceuticals method.
The Cannabis Grandma, who suffers from severe arthritis asks "Can someone please explain why it is deemed in the public interest to prosecute me and also threaten me with eviction from my home just for making my self better?"
If found guilty this time the Cannabis Grandma will have two convictions for 'production' (growing cannabis) against her. Under the draconian 'Misuse of Drugs Act' anyone found guilty of 'production' three times faces a mandatory seven year sentence on the third offence.
'News of the Weed' says: Currently GW Pharmceutical shares are worth half their original value on the London Stock Exchange. If responsible 'self-help' medical cannabis users like the Cannabis Grandma and THC4MS are put behind bars, GW shares will probally go up in value. This will be thanks to the continued criminalization of the D.I.Y. competition, who will be eliminated in what is turning into a 'turf war' over who has the right to use cannabis for medical purposes.
Gordon Brown take note: let people like the Cannabis Grandma look after themselves, and you will save the NHS billions, plus you will be a real hero for grandma's, grandpa's and grand children all over the country.

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